Upcoming Hunts!

This is Austin Hinesley. He is 8 years old and has two, five-year-old siblings Kase and Kimber.

 Austin is a straight A student who enjoys school; loves fishing, hunting, swimming, riding 4-wheelers, playing pool, and even a little gaming on those rainy days.  In July of 2019, 6 months after his 5th birthday, he was diagnosed with Stage 4 High Risk Neuroblastoma Cancer and was a given a 30% chance of survival. Neuroblastoma is a childhood cancer that develops in immature nerve cells.  It is an aggressive cancer that is extremely hard to treat and has a high rate of relapse.  To date Austin has undergone 5 admissions/18 rounds of induction chemo, 17 admissions/80 rounds of chemo and immunotherapy combined, 24 rounds of proton radiation, 2 rounds of high dose liquid radiation, 1 stem cell retrieval and 2 stem cell recoveries.  He’s also had 9 surgeries including 2 port placements, 1 port removal and 2 major surgeries such as his 9-hr kidney tumor removal where the lost the entire kidney as well as his latest surgery, a cancerous tumor removal which was in his skull pushing into his brain.  He’s had approximately 9 different biopsies, has received countless units of blood products, over 360 needle sticks, 30 COVID tests, lost his hair three times and has spent over 170 nights in the hospital.  Austin was 303 days NED (No Evidence of Disease) and was on a daily dose of DFMO (a low dose oral chemo specifically used for Neuroblastoma patients) at the time of his relapse.  We completed two rounds of chemo and immunotherapy combined and on October 28, 2022 (after a routine PET scan) he again was diagnosed with Neuroblastoma with cancer showing up in his hips.  We are now scheduled for another stem cell retrieval, three rounds of chemo, and then stem call recovery. If this trial does not have any effect on his cancer, we will possibly seek CNS treatments at MSK in New York.   

Austin is absolutely one of a kind.  I have never met or seen anyone who can remain so positive, upbeat, strong, and joyful through everything he has been through.  He has taken most of his treatments and the news of relapse with his head held high and ready to conquer it again. He is not afraid to ask “grown up” questions and understands way more than any 8 yr old should have to at this point in life.  But he has a goal and in his own words, that is “living as long as God will let me live”.